
Pot Luck Supper and Discussion -A Plastic Free Coastline?

Friday 20th April, 7pm at Belhaven Church Hall

Plastic is the ‘new sewage’!

You are invited to a PotLuck Supper and Talk and Discussion

Bring a (yummy) dish to share (7pm), listen to a talk by Brian Allen from Surfers Against Sewage (8pm) and join in a discussion about the idea of Dunbar becoming a plastic free coastline/community. What would that mean?

This is the second of a new series of monthly social events for Sustaining Dunbar members -membership is free and open to anyone interested in how Dunbar and District can become more sustainable and resilient.

Find out more about Surfers Against Sewage campaign against plastic pollution here. Come along and join the discussion!

By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020