
Kitchen Table Talk Notes

A very convivial evening was had at Belhaven Church hall on Friday 16th March, sharing food and discussing the forthcoming Scottish Government’s ‘Good Food Nation’ Bill. The discussion was focussed around four main questions:

What is our vision of a ‘Good Food Nation’?

What is currently stopping us from being a ‘Good Food Nation’?

What, personally, concerns us most about the current food system?

What are the most important actions that Government could take to create the future food system we would like to see?

The top five concerns expressed by those present were as follows:

Inadequate infrastructure and markets for local food production and distribution; Food waste and excessive packaging; Lack of awareness and valuing of good/nutritious food – education; Food production is environmentally unsustainable; Food processing industry perpetuates unhealthy food

Summary notes from the discussion are here: Our Vision of a Good Food Nation Notes.

This event was one of a series being held around Scotland, coordinated by Nourish Scotland and the Scottish Food Coalition.




By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020