
Kitchen Table Talk and Potluck Supper

Friday 16th March, 7pm at Belhaven Church Hall

You are invited to a PotLuck Supper and Kitchen Table Talk

Bring a (yummy) dish to share (7pm) and join in a facilitated workshop (8pm) to share your ideas as to how Scotland can become a ‘Good Food Nation’.

This is the first of a new series of monthly social events for Sustaining Dunbar members. For this evening event, we are hosting a ‘Kitchen Table Talk’. The outcomes of which discussion will help shape the Scottish Government’s forthcoming ‘Good Food Nation’ bill and the future of Scotland’s food system. Designed by the Scottish Food Coalition, the purpose of the Kitchen Table Talks is to hear what really matters to people about food, and what they want the Good Food Nation Bill to achieve. Come along and have your say!

You can learn more about the Scottish Food Coalition’s invitation and the Good Food Nation Bill here.

By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020