
Waste Innovation Centre update

Regrettably we have not been able to proceed with our planned Waste Innovation Centre project because we still have no premises from which to operate. We originally expected to have entry at the start of January but complications between the head-landlord and heritable creditors mean that we have still not been able to sign a sub-lease. As we still have no timescale for gaining access we have had no option but to put our proposed Climate Challenge Fund project on hold. In the meantime we have been finalising the transfer of Zero Waste Dunbar activities to a standalone social enterprise, Miixer CIC, that will continue and expand the diversion of waste from landfill and associated reuse/retail activities, working closely with East Lothian Council, and will shortly also  relaunch the popular Big Pick clothing reuse events.

Whilst it is disappointing to have to shelve our exciting waste innovation plans for the time being, we see it also as a positive opportunity for Sustaining Dunbar to take a deep breath, stand back and review progress towards achieving the vision of supporting the emergence of a resilient, low-carbon community, to map what else is happening locally and to spend time engaging with our members and others locally in order to prioritise future activities. A series of members’ and other events will be planned and announced shortly.

By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020