
Want to learn how to change the world?

earth-300x300Dunbar is about to become a hub for a free 8-week course on changing the world, known as U.Lab. The course is a Massive Open Online Course attended by thousands of people around the world and hundreds in Scotland.

The course teaches participants how to respond to many changes and disruptions in the world, from inequality to climate change. It helps you to find ways to make change in yourself, your community and society in order to change the world.

Local activists Elisabeth Wilson and Chris Bruce undertook the course last year and are offering a free “taster session” at the Bleachingfield Centre in Dunbar on Thursday 18th August from 7pm to 8.30pm.

Register for the taster at Eventbrite:… and find out more about U.Lab here:…/u-lab-leading-emerging-future-mitx-15…

By sustainingdunbar

Sustaining Dunbar is a Community Development Trust
Nota bene: this is an archive of the old website to March 2020