Community and Police Partnership (CAPP) Priorities

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE          Tuesday 2nd March 2021

VENUE      Microsoft Teams (Online)

TIME             1900 hours

PANEL ATTENDANCE SHEET – To be completed on date of meeting


Provided verbally by PC Hutchison.  Decrease in call demand re Priorities 1 and 2. Work which has been undertaken was discussed by both Police/Jimmy Wilson. 

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible
Anti Social Behaviour and Drug Misuse.


Fall Avenue, Yosemite Park and surrounding streets

Regular patrols to detect/deter criminality. Provide hi visibility reassurance to local residents. Community Policing/ELC Wardens
Anti Social Behaviour and Alcohol Misuse.


Lochend Woods and areas as covered by Dunbar Problem Solving Partnership

Patrols of “hotspot” areas on Friday and Saturday evenings when issues most prevalent.


Engage with local shops regarding sale of alcohol and make use of Social Media Messaging.

Community Policing/ELC Wardens


Enforcement and Education of 20mph speed limit in towns/villages within Ward Area Conduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers.

Social Media Messaging to be utilised

Community Policing


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Anti Social Behaviour and Alcohol Misuse.


Lochend Woods and areas as covered by Dunbar Problem Solving Partnership


(Suggested review date post 30/03/21 – next PSP meeting)

Patrols of “hotspot” areas on Friday and Saturday evenings when issues most prevalent.


Engage with local shops regarding sale of alcohol and make use of Social Media Messaging.

Community Policing/ELC Wardens


Speeding Concerns


Various Areas

Conduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers.

Social Media Messaging to be utilised

Date and time of next meeting:     13th April 2021 @ 7pm.  Microsoft Teams (Email invitation to follow at a later date)      

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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems