Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE             Monday 5th June 2017

VENUE      Dunbar Police Station

TIME         19:30 HOURS

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:     Thursday 27th July 2017

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding in Innerwick and Stenton. Following a number of complaints conduct speed checks at Innerwick and Stenton Dunbar Community Policing Team.
Monitoring youth behaviour on Friday and Saturday evenings. Locate youths gathering at Lochend woods, Bullet Hill or High Street to limit ASB make sure they are keeping themselves safe. Dunbar Community Policing Team
Big Issue sellers not authorised by The Big Issue. Following a complaint from an East Linton resident link in with ELC trading standards to ascertain if big issues require a street traders licence and if any issued for East Linton. Dunbar Community Policing Team

Dunbar Community Warden.

Other issues discussed and being looked in to:

  • youth ASB/vandalism between Parsonspool and Letham – vandalism to fences etc late at night.  Area to be patrolled late on Friday and Saturday nights.
  • Dunbar CBO posters to be updated.
  • Monksmuir, further complaints regarding road safety on the A199, contact ELC regarding lineage which is incomplete and ascertain when last speed survey conducted.

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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems