CAPP Panel Agenda Thursday 8th December 2016 & Update

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE Thursday 8th December 2016
VENUE Dunbar Police Station

1. Welcome

2. Attendance Sheet

3. Update on last month’s priorities

4. Discuss current policing issues

5. Agree priorities for month

6. Date, Time and Venue of next meeting


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding on Brodie Road, Dunbar Conduct hand held speed gun enforcement on Brodie Road following reports of increases in speeding traffic.

Attend meeting on this issue on 2nd November.

Dunbar Community Policing Team.


Young persons alcohol and substance abuse Conduct evening patrols and drug and alcohol awareness talks at Grammar school. Dunbar Community Policing Team
Deal with Anti social vehicles Identify vehicles that the public have an issue with and link in with roads policing to request assistance assessing legalities of exhaust systems. Dunbar Community Policing Team


Update on priorities:

Speeding on Brodie Road, Dunbar

Attended meeting on 2/11/16 with ELC rep’s and residents.  ELC exploring traffic calming measures.  Committed to continuing speed checks.

Young persons alcohol and substance abuse

Foot patrols conducted, multiple engagements with youths.  School inputs conducted by school lin k officer PC Johnson.

Obstructions on Dunbar High Street & Anti Social vehicles

Work ongoing.

Other ongoing policing issues:

  • Extensive enquiries ongoing regarding thefts of bikes throughout 2016.  2 youth detained, arrested and charged with a number of offences and positive lines of enquiry being followed that will lead to further detentions.
  • Festive initiatives being conducted dealing with licensed premises issues and youth ASB.

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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems