CAPP PRIORITIES & Next Meeting (17th April)

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Following the CAPP meeting on 9th February 2023, the following priorities were agreed:

  1. Speed Checks – High Street (Dunbar), High Street (Belhaven) and Back Road (Belhaven);
  • Vehicle ASB – High Street (Dunbar);
  • Youths – Climbing scaffolding on High Street (Dunbar).

The next community council meeting will be held on 17th April 2023.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Teams Meeting at 7pm


  1. Apologies
  • Note of Meeting 13th October at Bleachingfield
  • Update on Actions from 13th of October
  • Update on any Community Police Issues
  • Any Community Issues
  • Priority Actions for the Police for the next two months
  • AOCB

The Date of the Next Meeting is Tuesday 23rd March 2022

Next CAPP Meeting 13th October 2022

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

We are holding a Dunbar and East Linton CAPP Meeting in the Bleachingfield Centre on Thursday 13th of October @7.30pm. Cameron Tait will be representing Police Scotland.

Councillor Norman Hampshire


  1. Apologies
  2. Note of Meeting 1st February 2022
  3. Update on Actions from 1st February 2022
  4. Due to the delay in this CAPP meeting the Police will just give a General update on Police Actions across the ward. 1. Speeding 2. ASB
  5. Update on any Community Police Issues
  6. Any Community Issues
  7. Priority Actions for the Police for the next two months
  8. AOCB

The Date of the Next Meeting is Thursday 1st  December 2022

DUNBAR CAPP – Local Priorities ASB & Speeding – 1st Feb

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Thank you for your attendance last night, I thought it was a constructive meeting. We do have a challenge on our hands to help these young people and take the pressure of our Police Officers. I have already made contact with Council Officers and they are looking at options to help us. I have a meeting arranged to discuss the speeding and ASB issues with East Lothian Commander and will report back on any progress we can make.

Councillor Norman Hampshire
Council Leader & Cabinet Member for the Environment
Dunbar and East Linton Ward 7

PriorityActions to be UndertakenPerson responsible
Only two Police Priorities this month  NONENone
ASB from Young People around the Town  Patrols of area by Police and Wardens, Discussions to take place between police, ASB Wardens, Education Staff and Youth WorkersCommunity Policing Council Staff  
Speeding ConcernsConduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers. Due to local staff shortages Council Hampshire will discuss this with the new Police Commander to see if they can use Traffic Police in the Dunbar and East Linton AreaCommunity Policing Councillor Hampshire

DUNBAR CAPP – Note of Meeting on the 30th of November – Next Meeting 1st Feb 7:00

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

1.    There were no Apologies and Cllr Hampshire gave update on the members who had responded to his emails about attendance. He also reported that some members just wanted a copy of the note of the meeting.

2.    Members agreed the meeting Note

3.    Police gave an update on the last months actions

4.    The Police gave the CAP an update on incidents that had happened in the Ward.

5.    Community Issues

(1)  Community members still had ongoing concerns regarding speeding around the ward. They identified priority areas as Belhaven High Street, Queens Road, Spott Road, Kellie Road and Drylaw Hill East Linton. A request was made for a socket for the Speed camera at start of Belhaven.

(2)  There was concerns raised regarding fly tipping at Recycling points at Asda and Zero Waste Car Parks. They are also concerned about construction material blowing of Construction sites.

(3)  The Community Members were concerned about incidents of ASB across the ward. They police were given information on several locations were people had reports of ASB. They Police agreed to make this a priority for their attention over the next two months.

(4)  There was Concerns about uncompleted construction work done to the path network around new developments and missing street lighting. Councillor Hampshire would contact the developers to try and get this work completed.

(6). The members agreed to only have two priorities for the next two months.

(1)  The police will try to concentrate on ASB across the Ward

(2)  The police will try and target speeding in the areas identified by members.


PriorityActions to be UndertakenPerson responsible
ASB from Young People during Xmas and New Year  Patrols of area identified for drug concerns with vehicles.Community Policing  
Speeding ConcernsConduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers. Social Media Messaging to be utilised.Community Policing

Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 1st February

Teams Meeting at 7pm


  1. Apologies
  2. Note of Meeting 30th November
  3. Update on Actions from 30th November
  4. Update on any Community Police Issues
  5. Any Community Issues
  6. Priority Actions for the Police for the next two months
  7. AOCB

The Date of the Next Meeting is Tuesday 29th March 2022

Dunbar CAPP priorities September 2021

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

AGREED PRIORITIES FROM 28th September 2021

PriorityActions to be UndertakenPerson responsible
Only two Police Priorities this month  NONENone
Drug Concerns Belhaven Bay, DunbarPatrols of area identified for drug concerns with vehicles.Community Policing  
Speeding ConcernsConduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers. Social Media Messaging to be utilised.Community Policing

CAPP Meeting – 28/09/2021 


Chair Councillor Norman Hampshire Depute Council Leader

Council Officers

James Wilson Community Warden

Sarah Wood Community Housing

Gordon Horsburgh Connected Communities Manager

Community Group Representatives

Barry Craighead Dunpender Community Council

Jacquie Bell Dunbar Community Council

Mike Shaw Dunbar Shore & Harbour Neighbourhood Group

Note of meeting

Police report – As no Community Police Officer was available Councillor Hampshire read out the Police report provided by PC Peter Bamford.

The meeting discussed the incidents and updates were given on the issues.

The damaged benches at Winterfield had been repaired by the Council and paid for by the Fairground Operator.

The Community Warden gave a report on the work they had done with the Council Rangers Service to try and stop the Anti-Social Behaviour taking place at the Lynn Rocks during the Summer. New signage has been purchased to be erected warning people of the dangers at the Lynn Rocks and to respect the area.

The meeting agreed to remove the Lynn Rocks from the Police Priority as we are moving into the winter and young people do not gather there at this time of the year. We will review the situation at Lynn Rocks next spring.

The Police report said there was no evidence of any drugs being dealt at Belhaven Car Park after giving it some attention. However, there have been further reports that this action is still taking place at Belhaven and members want the police to continue to patrol this area as a priority. The police need more intelligence on when and what action is taking place.

Speeding is an ongoing issue in Dunbar as members feel individuals are not adhering to the 20mph speed limit in the town. The members want this to continue as a priority for the Police and to use the speed gun more often in the Dunbar & East Linton Ward. This is happening across all areas and the Police should try and target some streets. The meeting identified Belhaven Road, Queens Road, Back Road and East Linton High Street. There are many other streets the Police should look at but this is a start.

In East Linton the Speed Reactive Sign on Drylaw Hill is broken and the Community Council have applied for funding for a replacement through the area partnership.

The Date of the Next Meeting is Wednesday 10th of November 2021

Councillor Hampshire

Image: james denham, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Priorities update: DUNBAR CAPP August Meeting Cancelled

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Date of Meeting: 17th August 2021 CANCELLED


PriorityActions to be UndertakenPerson responsible
Anti Social Behaviour/Drugs Concerns Linn Falls, East Linton  Patrols of area to be conducted to detect and deter any Anti Social Behaviour and/or criminality.Community Policing  
Drug Concerns Belhaven Bay, DunbarPatrols of area identified for drug concerns with vehicles.Community Policing  
Speeding ConcernsConduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers. Social Media Messaging to be utilised.Community Policing

General Policing Overview – 6th July – 17th August


  • 2 persons identified, arrested and charged for possessing a knife in a public place on two separate occasions on 7th July and 7th August.
  • 8 individuals traced and found to be in possession of controlled drugs.  Various locations around the town.
  • 1 individual arrested for repeated anti-social behaviour offences from an address in the town.
  • 7 vandalism reported.
  • 1 motorist charged with Section 4 of the Road Traffic Act – being in charge of a motor vehicle whilst unfit through drugs.
  • Slaters Funfair scheduled to take place at Winterfield Public Park, Dunbar between 18th and 22nd.  Police will be providing patrols in area.

West Barns

  • Damage reported to community defibrillator between 31st July and 1st of August.  All possible enquiries completed. 
  • 1 individual found in possession of controlled drugs following a disturbance on 9th July.
  • 1 further vandalism reported to a vehicle.  Enquiries ongoing.

East Lammermuir

  • Fields at Innerwick Farm were damaged by a vehicle using the fields over the course of the weekend 1st and 2nd August.  £1200
  • Theft of generator reported from Crystal Rig Wind Farm between 11th and 12th August.  Estimated cost of £1500-£2000

East Linton

  • 2 reports of ASB issues at Linn Falls over time period.  Officers were unavailable to attend first call, but Community officers (off duty) were made aware.  2nd call officers attended and spoke and warned youths in attendance.  Have visited site a number of times over dayshift and backshift weekends.  No issues noted at time of our attendance, however aware issue persists and that a meeting was scheduled to take place on 17th August 2021 between landowner and council access officer.

Update on Priorities

  • Linn Falls – As above
  • MDA Concerns – Belhaven Bay – Numerous patrols conducted where able. No recovery of drugs made.  No firm intelligence received in relation to drugs being dealt at location. 
  • Speeding – No speed checks conducted by Community Policing due to Annual Leave and Response Policing abstractions.  Going forward roads to be selected for speed check attention.

Date of Next Meeting: 28th September 2021

CAPP Panel Agreed Priorities – Tuesday 6th July 2021 @ 7pm

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

The agreed priorities were as follows

  • Linn Falls, East Linton – Monitor instances of ASB/Underage Drinking/Littering in area.
  • Belhaven Bay, East Linton – Patrol area following concerns re Drug Misuse. (No further information received to date in relation to where this information has come from)
  • Speeding – Across ward area

The next meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 17th August 2021 @ 7pm.


Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

DATE          Monday 24th May 2021

VENUE      Microsoft Teams (Online)

TIME             1900 hours


Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible
Anti Social Behaviour


Patrols of “hotspot” areas on Friday and Saturday evenings when issues most prevalent. Community Policing


Speeding Concerns

Various Areas

Conduct Live Time Speed Checks and Deploy “Pop Up” Police officers.

Social Media Messaging to be utilised.

Community Policing


Date and time of next meeting:   Tuesday 6th July 2021 @ 7pm.  Microsoft Teams (Email invitation to follow at a later date)