Dunbar one of five communities selected

We are one of five communities that have been selected to prepare businesses cases towards becoming Zero Waste Towns.  The five :

  • Campbeltown/Bute led by Fyne Fytures
  • Dumbarton led by West Dunbartonshire CVS
  • Dunbar led by Sustaining Dunbar
  • Girvan led by Aspire2gether
  • Mull and Iona led by Mull & Iona Community Trust

Only one or two communities who will be then further supported to take projects forward in 2014/15.

We want to thank all the businesses, local councillors, community councils and other stakeholders for their support so far.

Zero Waste Scotland says “The project draws its inspiration from other similar initiatives including Italy’s internationally renowned Zero Waste Town programme. The Italian pioneer Rossano Ercolini from Capannori, Tuscany was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2013 in recognition of his efforts in stimulating community-led action and a new approach to waste management. Capannori has a recycling rate in excess of 80% and works closely with local government having persuaded them of the benefits of recycling.  He helped establish the European Zero Waste Network, which celebrates and encourages community led approaches to waste management.”

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