Have your cake and eat it

You can’t have your cake and eat it (too) is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech. The proverb literally means “you cannot simultaneously retain your cake and eat it”. Once the cake is eaten, it is gone. The proverb’s meaning is similar to the phrases “you can’t have it both ways” and “you can’t have the best of both worlds.”

Now, for Ourlocality users you can now have your cake and eat it, at least while you stay on a free plan. You can choose from 50 or so templates and get up and running in no time. We were inspired to create this website which emulates another fake cafe themed website just for fun. (What to do when you’ve broken all the Christmas cracker gifts, tried on all the socks and are zoomed out? It uses the brand new Twenty Twenty One theme, which we reviewed the other week and described as retro looking (goes to show how first impressions can be deceptive).

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By @ourlocality

@OurLocality Publishing Locally in East Lothian since 2010 JOIN FREE

One comment

  1. Everything on this website is borrowed, recycled, ersatz. Credits go to Wikipedia for random text and Agnieszka Bury, a Polish WordPress consultant, who inspired me to see how quickly I could emulate her prototype.

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