Author Archives: morag

Cycling to swimming lessons

Suzanne promises to cycle with her 6-year-old son to swimming lessons once a week (2km there and back). She’s going to buy a bell and a helmet for herself.

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Using my bike twice a week

Jenny would like to cycle more but finds her bike uncomfortable for long periods. She’s going to use the voucher to get a more comfortable seat.

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To go out on weekly group rides to build my confidence

Mandi is a nervous cyclist but wants to gain experience riding on the road. She used the voucher to get her bike serviced and now intends to join Dunbar Cycling Group on weekly bike rides

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Take my son out on longer rides

Gail is using her voucher to buy a tag-along bike to take her young son out on longer rides this summer.

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Cycling once a week

Lorna promises to go out on her bike at least once a week over the summer. She’s using her £25 to get bike serviced as it’s been sitting at the back of the shed for the past two years.

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Cycling to the shops

Anne pledged to cycle to the shops instead of taking her car. She’s going to use the £25 voucher to buy a basket and/or bike lock.

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30 new cyclists in Dunbar

Morag Haddow pledges to help 30 non-cyclists get on their bikes this year.

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