The Tyninghame Village Hall is a listed building in the centre of a unique conservation village in the beautiful East Lothian countryside. It is a hub for all our community activities, with recent event updates recorded here in chronological order … when we remember to!
All Updates
Saturday 2nd November Children’s Halloween Party
This year Halloween activities began with some very excited Children and grown-ups going guising in the village, visiting several houses where they were enthusiastically welcomed. This was followed by a…
Sunday 13th October Tyninghame Harvest Lunch
A very successful event for Tyninghame community, friends and family, celebrating our local produce and growers. All the fresh ingredients are provided by Tyninghame Community Farm and Tyninghame Organic Orchard…
Saturday 14th September Late Summer Wellness Event
Saturday 14th September Late Summer Wellness Event
Friday September 13th from 730 pm Pub Night
A social evening with neighbours BYOB and nibbles to share
Sunday August 18th From 2pm Village Summer Fair
An afternoon of fun for the family including teas and coffees with bake stall, games, bric-a-brac, Table tennis, plant sale and more! Great Turnout with some wonderful fancy dress!
Friday August 9th from 730 pm Pub Night
A social evening with neighbours. Great conversation with a good turnout.
Sunday 29th June Tyninghame Village BBQ Night
On Saturday around 35 adults and children braved the chilly evening to partake of the fabulous food on offer. The BBQ coals were a welcome heat as well as a…
Saturday 13th July Tyninghame Community Farm Visit
Tyninghame residents were invited to visit the new Tyninghame Community Farm on Saturday. The Community Farm is on a 2 acre site at the top of St Baldreds smallholding where…
Easter Fun Sunday 9 April 2023
Easter weekend was celebrated in the village with a cheerfully decorated bus shelter and lots of activities for the children in the Hall. It was really great to see so…
Sunday 23rd June 1pm and 5pm Tyninghame House Open gardens
Thanks to all those who attended Tyninghame Houses Open Gardens organised by Scotland’s Gardens Scheme. We were the beneficiary Charity of this event and raised an incredible 1800. A tea…
Saturday 25th May 430pm and 730pm Pix in the Stix film showings.
Migration – 4.30pm Doors open 4pm Rated U Wicked Little Liars – 7.30pm Doors open 7pm Rated 15 1st Come 1st Served, Limited seats available
Sunday 12th May 2024 Olivia Fern Spring Tour 2024
Having received Arts Council funding for a multi faceted project which at its heart was about bringing women together to sing. As such during the tour Olivia has worked with…
Saturday 30 March 2024 Easter Activities
Arts and crafts were the in thing when residents along with friends and family enjoyed Easter activities in the village hall. Two sessions were held with painting of hen and…