Book Event – Afternoon Tea and Talk 22 May 2022

Published Categorised as Event Archive

A most pleasant Sunday afternoon was spent in the village hall hearing from Judy Riley about her newly published book Tyninghame, Landscapes and Lives about the history of the gardens and wider landscape around Tyninghame House.
Judy lives at Tyninghame House and has previously spoken at one of our Pub nights about the wonderful gardens at the House and their creation. At this event many an appetite was whetted to learn more about the people who inhabited the land surrounding the House.
Over 30 people attended this event and enjoyed the abundance of home baking, lots of cups of tea and coffee and of course an opportunity to chat to Judy about her research for the book.
Judyâ book was on sale at the event and she very generously donated a percentage of the book sales to the hall refurbishment fund as did others who kindly gave donations for the wonderful spread provided by the volunteers of the Community Engagement Group.

By tyninghame

The Village Hall is available for hire