Category: First things first

This is the default category for posts. If you forget to create a category it will go here. If you delete a category, the associated posts will end up here. If you cannot be bothered with categories, you can hid the category in many themes.

  • What’s new in 2021?

    What’s new in 2021?

    Twenty Twenty One (TTO from now on) is the default WordPress theme and looks plain and old fashioned, but tailored around the new Block Editor.

    First off there’s a selection of default colours that are designed with Dark Mode support in mind. So will suit blog posters whose audience is nocturnal.

  • Help Switching

    Help Switching

    Inertia prevents many people from switching. Switching their bank, energy supplier, or their insurance provider. The idea that there is a better deal out there might sound appealing on one level, until you actually have to feel the pain of doing it. So many don’t. Regulators and economists seem to overlook this.

  • Twenty Twenty One

    Twenty Twenty One

    Is our new default theme, i.e. when you fire up a new site.

    By all means upgrade to Twenty Twenty Two, if that feels right for you or you fear being left out of the full site editing experience, but we’re old fashioned and prefer the old world editing experience and the traditional customizer – with blocks and block patterns thrown in. In other words the best of the old and the new.

    If you have just created a brand new site, don’t edit these pages – delete them instead and start afresh – or spend a little time familiarising yourself with what is possible, the different post types, and examples of block arrangements or layouts and then delete them.

    If you hit a problem just ping us an email: