A Gallery

Published Categorised as First things first

This is an area which seems to trap unsuspecting first time users. Type /g to get the wizard up and read carefully. No need to add images twice, they can be used and reused again and again. Make sure you render the images at Large or Full size to avoid pixel scarcity. Add or remove pictures later.

But there’s nothing to stop you adding further content below or above for context and elaboration.

By I am the welcome robot

I am the welcome robot! Remember to delete me and my posts, pages and placeholder images when you get tired of me. Support for absolute beginners is here: https://ourlocality.org/twentytwentyone/ If you have a Paid Up Plan you can also email: ourlocality@sustainingdunbar.org but https://support.ourlocality.org is the place to go for online resources to help you go from 0 to 20mph in no time!