RELBUS MEETING Wednesday 18th April 2018



  1. Welcome and apologies
  2. Points regarding services of East Coast Buses, Eve, Prentice, and borders Buses, if any
  3. Haddington – Humbie service 109 – low usage
  4. New Humbie to Tranent service via East Saltoun and New Winton connecting with 113 at Pencaitland Park
  5. Roadworks and congestion
  6. Service information at Belhaven bus stops
  7. Bus rail connectivity update.
  8. Ramifications of The Equality Act (2010) including SESTRAN real time bus information at North Berwick station
  9. New East Lothian Bus Map
  10. East Lothian Bus Charter – minor revisions proposed regarding passengers flagging down a bus
  11. AOCB

RELBUS meeting 30 September 2014

7.00pm in the Buffet Lounge at Haddington Town House


  1. Minutes of last meeting ( 21st May 2014)
  2. Matters arising (including council actions following the Bus Forum)
  3. Passenger Charter update
  4. Community Rail Partnership update (Harry Barker)
  5. Buses and tourism (following up from Councillor Dave Berry’s AGM presentation)
  6. RELBUS input to ELC tendering process (request from Councillor Veitch) (What are the problem areas?)
  7. Items for Bus Forum on 28th November
  8. Current bus issues
  9. Items for the press
  10. Any other business
  11. Date of next meeting

RELBUS AGM – Wed 27 August 7.30pm in Town House, Haddington

All welcome. We have asked local councillor and North Berwick tour guide David Berry to give a short presentation on the potential to improve public transport links to our fabulous East Lothian tourist attractions. Better connections for tourists also means better connections for local people. Additionally, the AGM will be an opportunity to reflect on last year’s achievements, discuss plans for the next year and strengthen our committee.

New committee volunteers are always needed; less than an hour a month would help enormously. AGM Motions and nominations for committee members should be sent by e-mail ( or by post to arrive by 20th August at 16 West Port, Dunbar, EH42 1BU.

AGM Agenda

  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes of the last AGM (20th August 2013)
  3. Matters arising
  4. Annual Report 2014 (previously circulated)
  5. Financial position (Morag Haddow)
  6. Committee membership
  7. Election of post-holders
  8. Public transport and tourism in East Lothian – making the connection
  9. Presentation by Councillor Dave Berry
  10. The year ahead
  11. Any other business

Ordinary Meeting Agenda (to follow AGM)

  1. Minutes of last meeting (21st May 2014)
  2. Matters arising (including council actions following the Bus Forum)
  3. Bus Users UK/Scotland – update from Gavin Booth (to be confirmed)
  4. Community Rail Partnership update (Harry Barker)
  5. RELBUS input to ELC tendering process (request from Councillor Veitch) (What are the problem areas?)
  6. Current bus issues
  7. Items for the press
  8. Any other business
  9. Date of next meeting