When I set up this site, I was doing so in the expectation that I’d be putting out one of the finest short story anthologies of the year, Pulp Tones.
Unfortunately for us, when we announce the project, a man over at Twitter called Pulptone wasn’t happy.
That was OK. We’re lovers not fighters, and backed down (don’t get any ideas, now). Our new name is going to be Pulp Ink following a poll of interested folk.
This week I’ve read some amazing pieces for the anthology. It’s going to be awesome (to use a word I try to avoid using – here it’s in context). Stories from Naomi Johnson, Eric Beetner, Chris Holm, Kate Horsley, Gary Phillips and Jodi MacArthur sent in work to add to the amazing pieces already there. They’ll knock you down, pick you up and knock you down again.
Because of the name change, I’m changing here as well. Dunbar noir puts me in my locality and my genre, right where I want to be.
Sales of Dirty Old Town now stand at 350 (yippee).
I signed a contract with Untreed Reads for an anthology they’re putting together.
A piece of mine was accepted by Flashquake which is pleasing.
Another has made it in to a very strong publication which is yet to be announced – it will be one of the events of the noir fiction calendar, no doubt.
Sad news for me that I didnt’ win Spinetingler’s Best Story Online award. That honour went to the excellent and lovely Matt Funk. I’m holding on to the fact that I did make the nominations to keep some sunny side up. Thanks to anyone out there who voted for me.
So, Goodlbye Pulp Tones, welcome Dunbar Noir.