
closed flowsJob and Wealth Creation in a Low Carbon Economy

Conference March 12th 2013

12:30 Registration and buffet lunch

1:15 Welcome and Overview of the event

1:30 Presentations (10 minute each speaker) to explain and give examples about:

  • What will a local, low-carbon economy look like? (Addressing Outcome 1 and 12 from the ELC SOA )
  • What opportunities, particularly for local jobs and local wealth creation in East Lothian, will arise from the move to a local, low-carbon economy?
  • What measures are needed to ensure that we take full advantage of these opportunities? (What barriers are inhibiting uptake of these opportunities at present and how can they be overcome?)

2:45 Facilitated Working Groups Discuss and Develop Action Plans to:

  1. Identify what jobs and wealth creation a low carbon economy could bring East Lothian
  2. Identify and plan what needs to be in place to ensure that East Lothian can take advantage of these opportunities
  3. Identify who will do what and by when.
  4.  Identify relevant short term indicators for SOA Outcomes

3:45 Tea Break

4:00 Plenary Session

4:30 Closing Remarks