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Dunbar Public Park Pavilion


We are still awaiting details on the timing of the demolition of the Pavilion within the Public Park.  Demolition was agreed by East Lothian Council and we believed it was to take place in the spring of 2016.

Pavillion: Demolition Recommendation

Friends of Winterfield received a copy of the East Lothian Council options document for the Dunbar Public Park Pavilion.

The options were:

  1. Do nothing to the Pavilion – acknowledging that the structure is visibly displeasing
  2. Make the building wind and watertight, at a cost of ~£40,000, but not use the building – this would improve the visual amenity of the park but not solve the situation long-term
  3. Seek to establish a new use (subject to planning consent and restricted vehicle access) for the building with funding to repair the building and a long-term plan for maintenance.  Costs are expected to be in the region of those for a new build.  The Pavilion has been unused for >20 years and there were no current, viable suggestions at the time of writing
  4. Demolition and reinstatement of the site for recreational use

“The appraisal of the options for the Pagoda directs that the building has no viable future and should be demolished.” East Lothian Council (October, 2015)

Dunbar Community Council agreed to support the recommendation to demolish the Pavilion on 19th October 2015.

As a group we have reluctantly had to accept ELC’s recommendation to demolish the pavilion due to it deteriorating to such a poor condition. We set up as a Friends of Winterfield to improve and preserve the park as a community amenity. We are determined to play our part in turning such a negative outcome into a positive; look to the future and find new, inspiring ways of enhancing this part of the park. We will be part of the community conversation that works out what and how we do this and look forward to playing an active role. We have every hope that the Community Council and East Lothian Council will be keen to support the community in this regard

East Barns Stone Bench

The stone bench nears completion at the north end of the park.  The bench is being constructed by East Lothian Council using stone gifted, last year, by Lafarge.  Friends of Winterfield wanted to make a stone feature in the park and approached Lafarge in its fiftieth year at Dunbar to ask whether they had some.  The stone came from East Barns village shortly before its demolition to facilitate the expansion of quarrying.  Having chosen some pieces, Lafarge transported the stone to Dunbar for us.

East Lothian Council have kindly incorporated some of it in a south-facing stone bench seat; built into a landscaped mound that will act as a viewing platform when complete. Turf is being cut from the former putting green (in preparation for this year’s meadow flower planting), which will cover the new mound.  A second mound and seat will be built this winter.

We would like to thank Lafarge (and particularly the Quarry Manager, Dave Hurcombe) and the East Lothian Council Amenity Services team who have put so much work into this over Spring 2015.

Here are some views of East Barns Farm in January 2014.  The buildings were demolished shortly afterwards.

Pitch and Putt


The Pitch and Putt is now open!

The Pitch and Putt is now open!

Winterfield’s new pitch and putt course is now open.  The course is to wintergreen standards and just a step off of the Winterfield Golf Course, at the north end of Winterfield Park.  It’s free – just bring your own putter.

Please be aware of other users of the park.

The Pavilion continues to decay  and, so far has found no use since its closure, along with the caravan park, in the 1980s.  At the request of Friends of Winterfield, an options document is being prepared by East Lothian Council to decide its future.  We’d hoped to have had the results by the AGM but Council staff Winterfield 043 20150408_131059 20150408_131220workload has delayed its release.

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