Friends of Winterfield

a local park

Winterfield Sunsets

Our sunsets are often an event!

Our sunsets are often an event!

AGM Tuesday 29th May 2012

The Friends of Winterfield


Tuesday 29th May 2012 at 7.30pm


Belhaven Parish Church Hall

Belhaven Road,


East Lothian

EH42 1NH

Please refer to the minutes published on this site.  All interested are welcome to join us.  Hear what we’re doing; have your say; get involved!


Are you a keen photographer?  Are you a keen gardener?  Have you organised events?  Can you help with our website?  Spare time to give?  Then please come along and offer your help: we’d be very pleased to talk to you!

£5000 Civic Pride Funding Bid Approved!

Could we have our own flower meadow?

We would like to thank East Lothian Council for its funding approval for a revamp of the Public Park Main Gate area (the pedestrian entrance to Winterfield).  We’ll be using some of the money to have a large shrub and perennial bed planted inside the gateway, new hedging, and bench seats.  We’ll also replace the vehicle chain at the car park with a proper vehicle barrier.

Work has already begun on the meadow flower bed on the former caravan park.  Several flower mixes will be tested to determine which will best survive Dunbar’s salty air.

Work should start soon on the picnic area in time for summer.

Community Council Funding Approved

More good news: We’ve been given £500 funding from the Dunbar Community Council to assist with our start-up costs and will also have the pleasure of finding a suitable location for a bench seat within the park.  We’re very grateful to Stephen Bunyan with his help in supporting our application and to Dunbar Community Council for the funds.

Committee Meeting

Friends of Winterfield committee meeting: for committee members only.  Tuesday 28th February, 7:30pm Winterfield Tennis Clubhouse

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