a local park

Author: esther Page 6 of 11

Fun Dog Show

Friends of Winterfield AGM

7.30 pm at Belhaven Parish Church Hall

Strawberry Plants

We’re very grateful to Committee member, Judy Miller, for taking time to plant her surplus of strawberry plants along the south wall of the park. This is part of our contribution to Incredibly Edible Dunbar initiative (https://www.facebook.com/incrediblyedibledunbar). As with all newly-planted areas of the park, please keep your dog off and remember that people may want to eat the strawberries that these plants, eventually, produce!

Adult Exercise Area Is Being Used

New Adult Exercise Area Installed

Our plans for an exercise area in the park have been fulfilled with the recent installation of seven pieces of equipment supplied by Wicksteed Ltd. (www.wicksteed.co.uk).  The park was part funded (£6500) by Fields in Trust (http://fieldsintrust.org/).  Many thanks to Fields in Trust for the funding that went towards the building of this facility.  We hope that it will be a successful commemoration of the park achieving legal protection under QEII Fields Challenge trust status.

Thanks also to East Lothian Council for coordinating the purchase and for installing the equipment for us.New Adult exercise Area 20131121_090425 20131121_090443 20131121_090358 20131121_090339

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