The targeted winter demolition of the Pavilion (approved by East Lothian Council (ELC) in 2016) was delayed due to a public concern over the Pavilion being used as a “roosting site for bats”.  Following investigation by Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), FoW were contacted by Liz McLean of East Lothian Council to advise us of the following:

SNH have advised that –

‘No licence is required from SNH because there is no evidence that bats have used the pavilion.  To that extent SNH are not involved apart from the unlikely event of finding a bat.  The survey stated that a hibernation roost was not likely so in many respects a winter demolition is the safer option. ‘

Essentially,’ the Council can feel secure in demolishing the building without the emergency survey recommended by David Dodds’.

ELC will re-activate the tenders and progress with the demolition.


For our part, Friends of Winterfield requested that the cleared site should be “grassed over”, in preference to tarmac as it will be less costly to lay; less environmentally damaging; and easier to lift again, should a decision be made to reuse the site.