Royal Infirmary

Journey time from North Bridge is just under 30 minutes.
Leave the station by the Waverley Steps onto Princes Street, turn right and walk to the corner of the Balmoral Hotel to cross the road straight ahead using the pedestrian crossing. Turn right again, uphill onto the North Bridge.
- Lothian Buses route 7 (Royal Infirmary) Stop NE, daytime frequency every 12 minutes
- Lothian Buses route 8 (Royal Infirmary) Stop ND, daytime frequency every 12 minutes
- Lothian Buses route 33 (Gorebridge) Stop NE, daytime frequency every 20 minutes
- Lothian Buses route 49 (Rosewell) Stop NE, daytime frequency every 20 minutes
Western General

Journey time from Princes Street is around 20 minutes.
Leave the station by the Waverley Steps onto Princes Street, turn left and locate bus stop PQ (situated before you come to Waverley Bridge).
St John’s, Livingstone

Journey time from Princes Street is under 1 hour 30 minutes, with limited stop (X) services taking around 1 hour
Leave the station by the Waverley Steps onto Princes Street. Turn left and locate the bus stops where blue First group buses and green Lothian Country buses (Lothian Country stop PQ) stop outside Waverley Station – before you get to Waverley Bridge. This is only a few yards.
Together they provide a frequent (8 buses per hour) daytime service.