Following Crane In, on the 15th April, there is a social evening in the Club House from 7.00pm for any members (and guests) wanting to come along.
Bring food to share and whatever you want to drink.
Following Crane In, on the 15th April, there is a social evening in the Club House from 7.00pm for any members (and guests) wanting to come along.
Bring food to share and whatever you want to drink.
This year’s AGM is on the 15th March, in the Club House at 7.00pm
Crane In takes place on the 7th April this year.
The crane has been booked for Friday 9th October. I have asked that it be ready for a first lift at 09:00.
High tide is 13:28 at 4.4m on the day.
The crane in this year is on 3rd April 2015 and starts at 9.00am promt.
Make sure you are ready to rock and roll.
Dunbar Sailing Club is 50 years old this year and to celebrate, the club are holding a celebration to toast the next 50 years in the clubhouse on the 7th March.
The 50th celebration takes place in the clubhouse from 14.00
Crane in