Occasional Histories of Dunbar

Published Categorised as Royal Charter

This year, 2020, will mark the 650th anniversary of the granting of the Royal Charter to Dunbar.  Dunbar Community Council had plans to make a great celebration of this during June’s Civic Week but with the Coronavirus outbreak all our public plans have been cancelled.

We are consequently extremely grateful to Stephen Bunyan MBE for creating what we hope will be a series of engaging, short tales of the history of Dunbar through the past seven decades.

Stephen was Chairman of Dunbar Community Council for very many years and stepped down from the post in 2018.  He was formerly Head of History at Dunbar Grammar School, retiring in 1990, and continues to immerse himself in the history of the town.

Pippa Swan


31 March 2020

[Picture credit: John Gray Centre]

The charter was transcribed thus: Dunbar Charter 1370

By dunbarhistory

Meetings take place in Dunbar Town House on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7pm