We are hosting special events on Friday – Schools in the morning and Business in the afternoon.
We hope that as many teachers as possible will try to make it to the 10 and 11am sessions for primary and secondary schools. The Igloo is proving to be a really exciting teaching space and this will give teachers a chance to see it in action!
The Igloo screen has been used by British Airways, Olympics 2012 and F1 (amongst others) to showcase projects and products. Technology has been developed to enable the Igloo to be used as an interactive training and gaming space. On Friday afternoon, we want businesses to see the art of the possible.
We still have places for these sessions and anybody interested can get in touch with Pippa at shore.harbour@yahoo.co.uk.
The trial seems to have generated quite a lot of interest – even STV are coming down to film us set up on Thursday. Very exciting!