Cycle Ride Leader Course – Dunbar 2nd March 2014

There are some spaces left on the one day Cycle Ride Leader course – Sunday 2nd March

If you enjoy cycling and want to share your enthusiasm and would like to be a cycle ride leader please get in contact ASAP. The course is FREE. Just bring your bike.

letsride-1024x734Sustaining Dunbar have organised this course, which is being run by Cycling Scotland, to enable volunteers to take new riders on local rides and to get bikes out of those sheds. Sustaining Dunbar’s expectations would be that Volunteer Cycle Ride Leaders would take a couple of groups out over the Spring/Summer. Free tea and scone on route for each group!

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What happened to the pump track!

Start RampShocking! What has happened to the Pump Track, it’s a muddy mess! Outrageous…those pesky Troll Bashers! For a while the Troll Bashers have been planning their evil Digger Day. Well it ended up being a whole weekend of destructive mud mayhem. Wait a minute, what is that, is it a camel hump? Is that a table top? Is that a start ramp to give speed and flow?

Yes the Troll Bashers have been busy. The Pump Track is very organic and is easy to modify and maintain with the help of volunteers. The Troll Bashers have listened to the users and have been busy developing the track further, keeping the users comments in mind.

IMAG0120The pump track has new features and has been tidied up from the damage scooters caused. Remember bikes only! Scooter wheels cut through the protective crust accelerating erosion. It has been rumored that the rollers are actually confiscated scooter burial mounds…Scooters Beware! Don’t go digging the rollers up, it is only a rumor, you will find no scooters down there. If you want to challenge your scooter skills the best place is The Space in North Berwick.

IMAG0129When the Pump Track opens there will be lines to take for inexperienced riders to flow safely and with the new features there will be loads of air time for the experienced.

So if you want to try mountain biking it is a great place to get some new skills and if you already mountain bike come down and let it rip.

IMAG0138The Pump Track is still closed but will be open soon and by spring it will be competition ready. If you would like to help the Troll Basher volunteers contact Dunbar Cycling Group or Sustaining Dunbar’s volunteer coordinator Dan who has been helping the Troll Basher team out. Dan (some will know as Dr Bike) is also a MTB skills coach, so if you aren’t sure about using the Pump Track, he will be pleased to show you or your family the rollers for free.

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