Every year, thousands of people in Scotland joined millions around the world in a huge, symbolic show of support for action by switching off their lights to say no to C02 emissions causing global warming and climate change.
A couple of years ago Dunbar Primary School played a big part in East Lothian having more people sign up to Earth Hour than anywhere else in Britain!!!
This year we are aiming to do it again!
Earth Hour is a campaign which people get involved in all over the world to show they care about our world and to say
NO to C02 emissions!
Earth Hour isn’t about just 1 hour!
Dunbar Primary School has recently been awarded their Green Flag and our action plans include many things we can do to reduce our C02 emissions related to our energy use, where we get our food from and how we travel around.
Our school has taken lots of action to reduce our C02 emissions. Our P7’s have been taking the Household Canny Challenge to reduce their C02 emissions at home and our school has a Junior Climate Challenge Steering Group.
Our school has received support and funding from Sustaining Dunbar to help us reduce our C02 emissions at school and home such as:
- Building raised beds, bottle green house and soon a chicken coop: to produce more of our food (the food we eat travels hundreds of miles and the lorries and planes use a lot of fuel which creates C02 emissions);
- Providing worm boxes and ways to reduce and reuse food waste: by reducing food waste we transport food less and by reusing food waste we can grow more food in rich soil;
- Helping us to walk and cycle more and finding ways to use the car less : cars use petrol and petrol makes C02 emissions;
- Helping us to reduce our energy usage at school and home : lights out – using less energy generated by coal, oil and gas = less C02 emissions.
Here is a video to get us inspired about Earth Hour 2014
Super Hero’s!!!
On March 28th we are all coming to school dressed as a super hero!
Here is your challenge should you choose to accept it: Dress up as a super hero – but not any super hero – we are talking – Super Cyclist, Super Spud, Super light bulb….get the idea?
Here is your reward: Winning class with most super hero’s get to hoist our schools Green Flag at a big celebration day and we will be helping our planet – what more do we want!