Local News
- Show hedgehogs love this February February 7, 2025This month, before hedgehogs come out of hibernation, I would like to urge you to have a look around your garden, or outdoor space, to try and make it a safer place for hedgehogs to visit when the Spring comes. Why not try and imagine that you’re a hedgehog, snuffling around at night looking for…Continue […]jenw
- Belhaven Community Garden Survey February 7, 2025IMPORTANT!We need your viewsPlease respond to this survey What you would like to see happening at Belhaven Community Garden in future if we succeed in securing community ownership?This survey is a crucial part of the ‘market research’ necessary for developing a business plan to accompany our ‘community asset transfer’ application to NHS Lothian.Please share with your…Continue […]philip
- Update February 2025 February 7, 2025IMPORTANT!We need your viewsPlease respond to this survey What you would like to see happening at Belhaven Community Garden in future if we succeed in securing community ownership?This survey is a crucial part of the ‘market research’ necessary for developing a business plan to accompany our ‘community asset transfer’ application to NHS Lothian.Please share with your…Continue […]philip
- Where in Haddington is this? February 6, 2025Here’s our February 2025 poser. We’ll post it as usual on our own HHS Facebook page and also Old Haddingtonshire FB page Question Where in Haddington is this? What is it and how might it do you good? Answer Answer here next month but do post your answers on Facebook. —-oo0000oo—-Continue readingWhere in Haddington is […]HHS
- Evening Climate Café February 6, 2025Wednesday 26th February, 6pm-7.30 pm, St. Anne’s Church, Dunbar For the next three months Sustaining Dunbar and St Anne’s Church will be hosting an evening Climate Café that will run on the same format as the lunchtime cafe. The evening cafe will be the fourth Wednesday of the month, starting on February 26th 18.00-19.30. We…Continue […]philip
- Proposed Field Name Recording Project for East Lothian February 5, 2025The Need Farmland in East Lothian is currently being lost to development, often of new housing. Consequentially the names of fields, many of which are very old, are being lost. Loss has also been caused by the amalgamation of fields into larger areas to allow mechanised farming has also been going on for the past…Continue […]George
- Catch up with Carey February 3, 2025Winter 2024 First, I would like to wish my supporters and volunteers a very Happy New Year, I hope it’s great! Well folks, we are past the winter solstice now so the days are getting longer – yippee! The nursery children have already sown some beautiful sweet peas. Last year some of the nursery classes…Continue […]carey
- ‘Purpose’ -film show and discussion February 2, 2025Friday 14th March, 7-9.30pm, Dunbar Parish Church Hall FREE but please make a donation if you can. The ‘business as usual’ economic system that is running our societies has a very narrow focus: We must “grow the GDP”, i.e. make more money, no matter the cost and without asking what is growing and who is…Continue […]philip
- OCA/OCA SCIO AGM announcement January 29, 2025OCA and (technically separate!) OCA SCIO are pleased to invite you to this year’s AGM. Please save the date! Sunday 9th February 2025, 2.00pm in the Village Hall. As usual, a summary of the big news of the year will be given and both committees will stand down and be re-elected. If you are not already,…Continue […]gareth
- Energy Projects Partnership Manager January 28, 2025Energy Projects Partnership Manager for East Lammermuir Salary: £42,787 pro rataLocation: Home-based & with regular time in and around East LammermuirWork pattern: 28 hours per weekContract: PermanentLine managed by: Head of Communities & Impact https://www.foundationscotland.org.uk/about-us/work-with-us The timetable we are working to is as follows: Could you help us to break new ground and genuinely usher in a just transition for…Continue […]peterb