Why did this bus speed?

Bus speeding – December Panel Agreed Priorities


DATE: Monday  23rd September 2019

VENUE: Dunbar Police Station


DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  7.30pm, Wednesday 18th December

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Youth visibility Contact schools, sports clubs, youth clubs etc and request they ensure there attendees are visible at night for road safety reasons. Dunbar Community Officers
West End of Brodie Road Continue to patrol area.  Contact ELC regarding poor location of speed reactive sign. Dunbar Community Officers

Dunbar Community Warden

Bus speeding Reports of buses not adhering to 20 mph limit.

Contact bus companies to remind them of the limit throughout Dunbar and East Linton.

Dunbar Community Officers


Last Month’s Priorities

Cut out cops.

Jim and Jemima located in Stenton and Innerwick on two occasions.

West End of Brodie Road

Foot and mobile patrols conducted in the area on a number of occasions at different times of day. Residents approached officers and appeared glad to see the attention being given to the area.

Innerwick vandalism

A number of complaints have been received regarding the behaviour of youths resident in Innerwick rather than Thurston Manor visitors. Some of the behaviour reported was dangerous so a short talk was done at Innerwick Primary School on Friday 1 st November by Community Officers. No reports of further issues since then

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Contact your local Community Policing Team or Local Community Warden to discuss non-urgent local crime or antisocial behaviour problems