Belhaven Hospital Community Garden

allotThe next work parties organised by the Belhaven Community Garden Working Group are:

April 7th, 14th and 21st. Meet on site at 1pm. We will be working to prep the Sensory Garden for planting and to carry out any other work as per the Ridge’s recommendations.  For more information contact

Any Wednesday or Thursday the Ridge group may be working in the garden and if you would like to get involved please contact the Ridge to make arrangements to meet on site:

Next Belhaven Community Garden Working Group meeting: Monday 29th April at 7pm in the BeGreen Shop. All welcome.


Plant Leek Seeds
Now is the right time to sow leek seeds. There are three methods for sowing leeks. First and easiest is to sow them in their growing position and leave them there. Leeks however stay in the ground for a long time and if space is tight then they can be grown close together (10cm / 4in)in a seed bed and then transplanted to their final positions when they reach about 20cm / 8in high at the correct distance apart. Alternatively they can be sown under cover and then planted out. Sow the seed 3cm / 1in apart about half a centimetre (¼in) deep. Rows should be around 20cm / 8in apart.

Prepare For Planting Runner Beans
Runner beans are tolerant plants. But they do even better if they are fed well. First, work out where you will be growing them. They like a sunny position but can be blown over in windy situations. Dig a 30cm (1ft) trench about 15cm (6in) wide where they are to be grown. Add in lots of rotted compost and then cover the trench with the dug soil. This will have settled down by the time it comes to sow / plant your runner beans.